Friday, December 12, 2014

Quentin Tarantino: Django Unchained

Django unchained is an extremely raw movie. This is not a movie for the squeamish. Django takes place in the year 1858. Dr.Schultz, a bounty hunter, seeks out a slave named Django in order to track down wanted men. He later offers to buy Django's freedom and help him find his wife if Django agrees to be his deputy for a while. As to be expected from a Tarantino film; Django unchained is a spaghetti-western style film. The film very explicitly depicts the horrors that went on during the slave trade including lashings, Mandingo fights, and agonizing death. And although the focus of the film seemed to be around gore, which was excessively over exaggerated; there was quite a bit of comedy and a very good plot with incredibly vivid characters. I would highly recommend watching this film, but be warned, you will without a doubt be cringing throughout.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fireworks by Kenneth Anger (analysis)

Fireworks is a silent film made in 1947 by film-maker Kenneth Anger. The film depicts a homosexual man whom has a sailor fetish, it is composed of scenes of a man eyeing sailors in a mens locker room then being harassed and brutally attacked by said sailors. Fireworks is filled with symbolic interactions and there is a very clear feeling of what it was like to be a homosexual man in the 1940s. The sailors in the film were not simply there to be iconic male models, instead they are there to bring light to the sailor fetish that was growing in the gay community during the time. However, because homosexuality was not accepted at the time, Anger had to hide his true sexuality resulting in the frustration and consequences depicted by the beatings in the film. In fact, Fireworks was so controversial at the time that Anger ended up doing jail time and being assaulted for showing the film. The fact that Anger knew what would happen to him if he created this film, but chose to go public with it anyways, makes this film none less than revolutionary and a true artist statement.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Exit Through the Giftshop

Guetta is a compulsive videographer, filming his family life, his work life, his recreational life almost perpetually. He becomes obsessed with street artists and their below-the-radar yet highly visible endeavors, all around the world. He is both their film maker and their stalker filming everything 24/7. After working his way through the street art world, with increasingly influential artists leading up to the head honcho "Banksy", he ends up becoming a street artist named Mr.Brainwash. He has practically no original style therefore his art is a mixture of all the artists he worked with. At the end of his documentary he unveils a massive debut art show practically launching him into renowned artist status over night. This seemed to upset the rest of the big players in the street art world and he seems to have a lot of animosity directed towards him. The film ends with world renowned street artists questioning if "MBW" is a true artist or just a crazy man.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Milk of Sorrow

Milk of Sorrow, Directed by Claudia Llosa, in my opinion is a terrible movie. Honestly it was hard to watch. It is the story of a girl from Peru who has"contracted a disease" because her mother was raped and breast fed her afterwords, "causing the fear to flow into her" and torment her. Because of this "disease" she is irrationally afraid of being raped and causes her to put a potato in her vagina to let it grow so no one will be able to rape her. Her mother dies at the beginning and the rest of the movie is just quiet painfully awkward interactions with zero emotion shown. The film would randomly jump to weddings throughout and each time they became more and more commercial. It ends with her getting the potato removed and leaving her mother by the ocean. To be honest I could barely even tell what was going on half the time and the audio quality/mixing was terrible, plus there were issues with syncing soundtracks to the film. I would not recommend this film to anyone.