Monday, September 15, 2014

Milk of Sorrow

Milk of Sorrow, Directed by Claudia Llosa, in my opinion is a terrible movie. Honestly it was hard to watch. It is the story of a girl from Peru who has"contracted a disease" because her mother was raped and breast fed her afterwords, "causing the fear to flow into her" and torment her. Because of this "disease" she is irrationally afraid of being raped and causes her to put a potato in her vagina to let it grow so no one will be able to rape her. Her mother dies at the beginning and the rest of the movie is just quiet painfully awkward interactions with zero emotion shown. The film would randomly jump to weddings throughout and each time they became more and more commercial. It ends with her getting the potato removed and leaving her mother by the ocean. To be honest I could barely even tell what was going on half the time and the audio quality/mixing was terrible, plus there were issues with syncing soundtracks to the film. I would not recommend this film to anyone.