Monday, October 13, 2014

Exit Through the Giftshop

Guetta is a compulsive videographer, filming his family life, his work life, his recreational life almost perpetually. He becomes obsessed with street artists and their below-the-radar yet highly visible endeavors, all around the world. He is both their film maker and their stalker filming everything 24/7. After working his way through the street art world, with increasingly influential artists leading up to the head honcho "Banksy", he ends up becoming a street artist named Mr.Brainwash. He has practically no original style therefore his art is a mixture of all the artists he worked with. At the end of his documentary he unveils a massive debut art show practically launching him into renowned artist status over night. This seemed to upset the rest of the big players in the street art world and he seems to have a lot of animosity directed towards him. The film ends with world renowned street artists questioning if "MBW" is a true artist or just a crazy man.